A prophetic poem written on the day of America's full solar eclipse that crossed the entire nation on Monday August 21, 2017


Joel 2:31 - "The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD."


Luke 21:25 - "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring..."


God's Finger of Divine Judgment 


Even though we've ignored God

He has been patient with this land...

Instead of seeking His Word

We have loved the works of our own hands.


Instead of obeying His teachings and walking in His ways,

We have corrupted and denied the Bible's truths

So that our land is now in full-blown decay.


We consume ourselves with pleasures, ambitions, 

and personal desires of every sort...

But we don't find time to humbly seek and obey

His holy living Word.


We won't stand boldly against baby killing, sodomy, 

and perversions of every kind...

Instead, we cowardly promote such godless acts

and live according to our foolish selfish minds.


Like a finger of divine judgment

A dark warning crosses over this rebellious land...

Will you heed this warning and repent, coming fully to the Lord?

Or will you continue to live as you choose

As righteous judgment will soon be outpoured.


Poem by F.A. Butler


For helpful information about the significance of this full solar eclipse, please watch the following video

Keep being a watchman for our Lord,

SeriousForTruth Ministry